2025 AAAAI / WAO Joint Congress

Media Policies


In an effort to assist registered members of the press with planning coverage, the AAAAI issues press releases and provides abstract summaries in advance of the 2025 AAAAI / WAO Joint Congress. However, all materials are embargoed according to the following:

• Abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2025 AAAAI / WAO Joint Congress are published in an online supplement to The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI), an official journal of the AAAAI. The abstract supplement will be posted online at jacionline.org and the Joint Congress website on February 10, 2025. As of February 10, 2025, all abstract embargoes will be lifted, and the findings and results of abstracts can be freely reported on and covered.
• AAAAI press releases will be posted within the Press area of the Joint Congress website about a week in advance of the embargo lift, and these AAAAI press releases will also be embargoed until February 10, 2025 (unless otherwise noted).

Journalists deemed in violation of any AAAAI Communications policies will have their AAAAI Virtual Joint Congress press privileges revoked.

Creating CME

AAAAI Virtual Joint Congress program content may not be used to develop continuing medical education (CME) without advance permission from the AAAAI.

Exhibitors/Public Relations Professionals

Exhibitors and individuals representing academic institutions, industry, advertising, marketing or public relations firms should be aware that:

• Any press releases, media alerts or related materials that discuss abstracts being presented at the 2025 AAAAI / WAO Joint Congress do not need to be reviewed in advance by the AAAAI, but please be aware that they must not indicate AAAAI endorsement or use the AAAAI logo.
• Any press releases, media alerts or related materials that strictly promote the abstract title, authors, date/time of presentation (including the session details if the abstract is being presented in a session), and that it will be presented at the 2025 AAAAI / WAO Joint Congress, can be issued at any time. However, please note that only the aforementioned abstract details should be included and not the abstract results and findings. Any press releases, media alerts or related materials describing the abstract results and findings must be embargoed until February 10, 2025, which is the date the abstracts will be published in an online supplement (please see the first bullet under the Embargoes section above).
• Under no conditions will lists of past or current registered press be made available.

Individuals, companies, organizations or institutions found in violation of these policies will have Joint Congress access revoked. Additional sanctions may apply.

Please direct questions about these policies to (414) 272-6071 or media@aaaai.org.

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